Kinktober 2018

I’ve put all my books on hold to participate in the Kinktober 2018 challenge on DeviantArt.  The premise of the exercise is to produce a work of art every single day during the month of October based on a single word prompt. 

So far, it’s serving as a motivator to do some writing every single day, and only having to worry about writing single scene/vignettes is less stress-inducing than trying to plot out and write an entire book.

If you want to read what I’ve done so far, they can be found in this DeviantArt folder.  Please note that I’ve marked everything for “mature audiences”, so you might have to register and confirm your age to read some or all of them.

What I may do in the future is take all thirty-one of these, clean them up, and collect them into an anthology which I will put on my Smashwords page.  Most likely, since they are available for free, I will make it a name-your-price download as well.

If you read any of these, do let me know what you think of them, and if I don’t write another blog entry before the end of October, have a fun and safe Halloween.

Published by Kristoffer Wolff

I am an author of bondage and damsels in distress fiction. I write stories about sexy women who usually end up bound, gagged, and put in perilous and/or humiliating situations.

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